applied behaviour analysis

ABA has over 50 years of scientific research in teaching communication and socially significant  behaviours to both kids and adults with autism! It allows behaviour analysts and ABA therapists to understand how behaviour works and how it is affected by the environment.

ABA is the most scientifically validated form of intervention for kids on the autism spectrum to date. Its effective use of preventative, teaching, and reinforcement strategies create optimal learning outcomes. By breaking skills down, using prompting/cueing strategies, and reinforcing desirable behaviours, behaviour analysts and ABA therapists can teach many skills including: functional communication, social and play skills,  and independent life skills (e.g. toileting, taking public transport, and preparing a meal). *Note - this is a very brief list of some possible learning outcomes that can be taught using ABA.

ABA programs are highly individualized.  Progress is tracked through objective data which is then graphed. These graphs allow behaviour analysts to monitor behaviour change and make program changes when needed ensuring the program (and kid!) continuously advance.